We're impressed with our curriculum, now it's your turn! We hope to engage your child's sense of identity by capturing his/her imagination and attention. So, we put a lot of effort into providing our students with substantive lessons and a positive atmosphere.
The lessons are multi-sensory and hands-on, ensuring that the students truly experience what they are being taught. The lessons are structured with discussion-starters, to create a lively, interactive classroom experience. The information truly becomes the student's own.
Some of our Judaic curriculum include:
-"Jewish Heroes"
-"Mitzvot I can do"
- "My Jewish Home"
-"What is Israel?" "What is Kosher? "
- NEW!! This year 2016-17 GROW
Our school uses the new, acclaimed Aleph Champ program to ensure that your child will read fluently at the end of his/her Free Hebrew experience.
Explore the curriculum journey that your children are embarking upon!